Is supported accommodation right for you?

There comes a time in everybody’s life when moving out of home just makes sense.

It could become necessary from a logistical point of view, or you may find yourself wanting more personal freedom and independence.

No matter what’s motivating your decision, it’s important to remember that everyone moves at a different pace, and there’s no right or wrong time to change your living arrangements.

It’s all about figuring out what’s going to work best for you and your unique situation.

As someone living with an intellectual disability, you may be excited about taking the next step in your independence journey, but still have reservations about leaving the family home.

If you’re thinking about making the transition, supported accommodation is a great way to bridge the gap between living at home and living independently.

There are many benefits to be gained from both types of disability housing, it simply comes down to your personal preferences and circumstances. Great care is taken to meet your needs with respect to comfort, compatibility, family support, and access to other services and supports.

What is supported accommodation?

Under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), you may be eligible for housing options where you will be provided with the level of support you need.

Supported accommodation is designed to help you reach your independence goals, with support staff available to assist you.

You can choose from two different types of supported accommodation, both of which are offered throughout the Perth metropolitan area as well as the wider WA region.

Shared accommodation

After living with family, being on your own straight away may feel like a big first step.

If you want to take things a little slower, you can start your journey by sharing accommodation with housemates who are also wanting more independence.

It will give you the opportunity to experience life out of home in a comfortable environment, all while making some new friends.

In shared supported accommodation, you will also have trained staff 24 hours a day to help you with activities that you may not feel confident doing on your own.

Independent living options

If and when you feel ready to live alone, you can have access to drop-in supports.

While you will have your own place and all the perks that come with it, there will still be a team of people available to assist you as needed.

From helping you do the grocery shopping through to getting you involved in your community and recreation activities, the support services can be tailored to suit you.

Where to get support

As your housing arrangements can have a major impact on your day-to-day life, you should take the time to really consider your options before making any changes.

You have plenty of time to adjust to the idea of living out of home and find a situation that’s going to be right for you.

To find out more about how supported accommodation could work for you, get in contact with the friendly team at Activ.

As one of the largest providers of disability housing in Perth, we can help you find a solution that fits in with you and your individual needs.


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